I really think I keep getting worse and worse about blogging. I just have too many other things going on. I really do miss it. Maybe once volleyball slows down a little bit, I'll have more time to post. Fingers Crossed!
Life has really been crazy at our house. Work and volleyball are keeping me busy, but they are both going great! Our new massage therapist started working this week -- Her name is Adara. It has really helped out a lot to have someone else share my workload. It was getting ridiculous! I was completely booked up for the entire month of September. That's all fine and dandy, but Holy Moses, that's a lot of massages! Volleyball was a little slower for me this week. My girls had games on Tuesday at North Central and Thursday at Eastern-Greene, but they were too far away for me to make it. I don't get off work until 6:00, so that makes it almost impossible for me to make it to the away games. They played really well! We got a win against North Central, and a hard fought loss against Eastern. I'm so proud of them! Unless I'm mistaken (which is possible), their record is now 16-6! That's not too shabby!
We have also been preparing for hunting season at our house. We have been spending a lot of time scouting the woods and checking trail cameras. We even bought a Honda 4-Wheeler last week! It's so darn handy -- and more than just a little fun! It was a good investment. Tim also bought a two-person deer stand a week or so ago. Now we can hunt together. The best part about it was the box it came in -- Chuck had his own personal fort, which he used a lot as an ambush point to launch an attack on Dixie (or whoever happened to be walking by). I left it in the living room for about a week before I decided that he had chewed it up too bad. It took me forever to get all the little cardboard pieces picked up. Did I mention that the deerstand is STILL sitting in our living room?? Not exactly what I had in mind when I mentioned getting some new furniture. We are also pretty sure that it is too big to fit through any of the doors in our house -- So, it will need to be disassembled before we can take it outside. Reminds me of the crazy people who build a boat in their basement. What the heck are you gonna do with that?? At least it's good for some laughs! I'm hoping that we have some good luck this hunting season. I would really like to have a big ol' buck mounted on the wall in the living room. Now that's interior decorating -- Hillbilly Style!
I scored some great coupons from my Indy Star this morning. I love, love, love couponing! It's great to save money. I have us stocked up enough that I'm really only buying groceries unless I can get something for next to nothing. Jessica and I (She's my partner in crime, and couponing) had a pretty big setback this week when we realized that Wal-Mart is no longer accepting our competitor coupons. It was a great way to save even more money, but I guess it's not good for Wal-Mart to match competitor coupons. I don't see how it's any different from Price Matching, but they didn't ask me my opinion. We will just have to adapt our strategies. With shows like Extreme Couponing out there, a lot of stores are changing their coupon policies. It really makes it hard for us little guys, especially around Washington because we just don't have enough stores to choose from. If you wanna see the REAL crazy couponers, check out Extreme Couponing on TLC on Wednesday nights at 10:00. I really think the show is rigged, but it's still impressive to watch.
Hmm, what else is new?? Oh my gosh, duh! We talked to Dwain quite a lot this week. I talked to him on Facebook chat on Tuesday for about an hour then we got a phone call yesterday. It's so UNBELIEVABLY great to hear his voice! According to the "Homecoming Hotline," he should be back in the States by the end of October-ish. We don't have an exact date (and I couldn't tell you on here anyway for "security reasons"), but it IS finally getting closer and I just can't WAIT to see him again! I mailed my last Care Packages this week, which brought my grand total since April up to SIXTY-FIVE! That's a LOT of Care Packages. I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who donated items and money for shipping. I bet I have sent him about 100 pounds of candy. He has been pretty popular, that's for sure. Oh my gosh, I just can't wait to see him. We are planning on driving down there to be there when he gets off the plane. He is also planning on being home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is one EXCITED SISTER!! I have never wanted to give him a hug so badly, and maybe a quick smack upside the head for old times sake.
Tim and I (and Dixie and Chuck) have had a wonderful weekend together. Tim was feeling sickly on Friday, so we stayed in and took it easy. We went to a wedding yesterday evening -- It was nice to get dressed up. We had a nice evening with good friends. Today, we were pretty lazy (Chuck was on catnip-meth this morning, so that was highly entertaining), but I think it's about time to be productive. I have a busy week next week, so I need to at least get the house tidied up. Let's do a rundown of next week: Monday -- Volleyball Game at North Daviess, Tuesday -- Coupon Clippers meeting at Carnegie Library after work, Wednesday -- Wal-Mart Trip (maybe), Thursday -- Volleyball Game at WRV, and Friday -- Volleyball practice then finally some down time. There is also a big tourney at ND on Saturday, so I am a busy beaver next week. Yes, busy, busy! But it keeps life interesting.
Alrighty, well I'm going to get dinner started and try to clean the house a little bit. It's really pointless to clean this time of year because Tim tracks in a lot of dirt and there's always bows, guns, and hunting clothes all over the house. Not to mention deer stands in the living room, but that's why I love him so much. Let's see how much I can get accomplished in the next hour or so. I hope you all have a great evening and a wonderful week. Until next time! :^)
Operation Saheeb -- Five Months, Three Weeks --- Approx. Four Weeks Remaining!
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