Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Easter. It's a great time to be with friends and family. Today, I ate lunch at Grandma Ruth's and Grandpa Marvin's with Mom, Dad, and my cousin Travis. I also managed to wash all of the laundry that I had stored up. I waited entirely too long before I tackled it. After lunch, we sat around and chatted for most of the afternoon. I helped Mom feed the critters this evening and ate dinner with Mom and Dad. All in all, it was a very nice day. I got a lot done, and I feel really good about that.

Yesterday was an extremely productive day as well. Tim and I went looking/listening for turkeys first thing in the morning, but we didn't see or hear a thing. It has been raining for days though, so that didn't really surprise me. I spent most of yesterday afternoon picking up the house. I rearranged some of the furniture and picked up the basement. I didn't make any major changes, but a little change in scenery is always nice. After Tim went to work last night, I spent all night watching movies on I stayed up later than I should have, but I was able to sleep in this morning, so it all worked out.

I didn't get any of my sewing done this weekend, so that is going to be at the top of my list for this week. I have a busy, busy schedule next week. My massage schedule is nearly full already for the entire week, and it is going to be Jessica's last week, so there will be lots of changing going on. I was optimistic about getting the yard mowed next week as well, that is until I looked at the forecast. The rain can stop any day now. The rivers are already getting out of their banks in a big way, and I really do want to get some things done in my yard. I have veggies and flowers to plant, mulch to move, spraying that needs done, and most importantly, my yard needs mowed. Oh well, maybe by next weekend it will have stopped raining. I sure hope so. I know they say that "April showers bring May flowers", but this is ridiculous. We better have a flower explosion next month is all I have to say. I think I am going to wrap up this post for the night. I am tired and really need a good night's sleep, but I didn't want to wait too long before writing anything. I hope you all have a great Monday -- That's an oxymoron, huh? Good night!   :^)
Operation Saheeb -- Day #13

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