Once I finished up my day, I made a quick trip to Wendy's to grab Tim a bite of supper. He almost took the last of Sammie's Strawberry Cheesecake with him, but he didn't want to share it, so it came home with me. He can eat it tomorrow when he gets home from work and CPR class. I would feel really bad if he didn't get a piece because it was SO GOOD! Thank you again Sammie for my birthday cheesecake. I have really, really enjoyed it. I am babysitting Mom's dog Annie tonight while Mom and Dad are at a tractor pull somewhere in Kentucky (I think they are in Kentucky). I spent entirely too much time messing with Mom's nubby tailed kittens tonight while I was feeding the dogs and rabbits, but I got some really cute pictures and videos of them to share at the end of tonight's post. Now, I have eaten my supper, and I'm almost done blogging for the night. I have GOT to go to bed earlier than I did last night. I have a busy day tomorrow. I start my day at 8:00 with five massages back-to-back, then I have to go home through Cannelburg to pick up the quarter of beef that Grandma and Grandpa gave us. That will fill our freezer back up! I also have Hamilton's Water coming to the house tomorrow afternoon to test our water. We are going to see about renting a water softener to clean up our rusty water. Let's hope that they can help us out. Who knows what Tim and I might get into for the rest of the weekend. We are going to Poverty Ranch (Tim's Uncle Randy's farm in Tennyson) for a cookout and some great music on Saturday night. It should be a really great time! Other than that, I think we will be winging it as far as weekend plans go. You never know what we will come up with. Anyway, I hope you all have a great Friday! Good night! :^)
Operation Saheeb -- Two Months, One Week, Five Days
P.S. -- I love Chuck! He just killed the mouse that has been running around my kitchen and crapping on my counter. I have had mouse traps out all week trying to get him (actually, it turned out the mouse was female). As I was sitting here blogging, I heard a sudden crash in the kitchen and a VERY high pitched shrieking sound. I ran into the kitchen to find Chuck with the mouse in his mouth, but it was still alive. The idiot turned it loose in the middle of the kitchen floor! I did what any farm girl would do (No -- I did NOT grab a gun). I grabbed one of Tim's cowboy boots, put my hand inside it, and went mouse hunting. I had to chase the mouse (and Chuck) around the kitchen a little bit -- he even went behind the tan couch in the living room -- but I was finally able to kill it. Nothing like a good whack with the heel of a cowboy boot to knock a mouse unconscious. I threw the mouse outside -- Chuck went out too, of course -- Then called Tim to tell him what had happened. I bet he is laughing at me with everyone at work right now, but those stories are too good not to tell. That cat is worth his weight in gold! Anyone need a mouse caught? I'll rent him to you for cheap lol!
Let the pictures (and videos) begin! These first ones are from last week. They are a little late, but I just found them on my camera
The I-69 overpass is almost finished just south of North Daviess High School
Dixie riding "shotgun" with me Friday night for our Care Package Adventure
She got tired on the way to the office
I LOVE this dog!
Now it's time for the pictures from tonight -- Bring on the pictures of nubby-tailed kitties!
Rufus -- I caught him off guard as he was running to attack his sisters
The little tabby kitten's name is Millie -- She's attacking the bag of wood chips
Rufus again -- With Grippo in the background
Millie -- She's the friendliest one of the three -- and ADORABLE!
Marley is attacking Mom's scissors
All three kittens were chasing Marley's tail tonight -- Only one tail for three kittens to chase = Hilarious!
Millie is serious about getting that bag of wood chips
Let's do some videos -- Sorry, I always sound like an idiot; especially if I'm talking to a dog
Video #1 -- Kitties playing in the barn
Video #2 -- Maggy being bothered by Dixie
Ok, More Pictures of Kitties!
Marley was ricocheting all over the front of the barn
Millie being a turd!
Rufus stalking Marley -- Sibling love!
Marley attacking Millie -- There was lots of attacking going on this evening
Momma Kitty (Skink) just chilling -- Watching her babies be goofy!
Millie, being Millie
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