Wednesday was a FANTASTIC day! I worked in the morning at the front desk. There was a lot to keep me busy. The phone rang off the hook, and the patients kept me busy. After lunch, I had a full massage schedule. My schedule at work is about to get ridiculously busy. The other therapist I work with is getting married next Saturday and is taking most of the month of June off -- So, yeah, I'm gonna be booked up.
After work is when the best part of my Wednesday started. I played volleyball!!! Oh my goodness, I have missed it so, so much! I am helping coach the high school girls at North Daviess this summer, and Wednesday was their first open gym. I am more than a little out of shape, I felt ancient next to all those younger girls, and I felt like a beached whale -- But I had a BLAST! I haven't played volleyball on a team for a year and a half. To go from playing all the time for the nine years I was in school to not playing at all was one of the hardest things I have done. I am beyond excited to be involved in the sport again, and I'm really looking forward to teaching the girls the things that I have learned. The only problem? I'm a little sore. Part of my muscles hadn't been used in a while, but I'll be back in shape in no time. I told the girls that I would do their conditioning with them at the end of the summer -- Not sure if that was a good thing to get myself into or not. Anyway, I had a fantastic time, and I'm really looking forward to Monday next week so that I can play again. Once I made it home from volleyball and got a shower, I helped Tim get his boat ready (he went fishing with Scott), then watched a little TV before going to bed.
Thursday, I had another great day! I put the finishing touches on a Letter to the Editor to the Washington Times Herald to thank the many people who have been making donations to send Care Packages to Dwain. I mailed four more packages on my lunch break Thursday-- That brings our grand total up to thirty-one! How completely incredible is that?? Mom got an email from Dwain on Thursday, and he said that he received eight care packages that day! He said he was stock-piling it until the next one's get there.
After a productive staff meeting, I had another full massage schedule. I sure do love the people who come to see me; they really make my day! After work, Tim and I grilled burgers for supper -- Well, Tim grilled and I made Mac and Cheese, but it was all delicious. I also made a Peanut Butter Pie last night. Yum! We headed to bed full of good food and ready for some ZZZ's.
Fridays are usually great days for me, and today was a usual Friday. I had five massages this morning, then worked a little bit in the office and visited with Sammie. The only thing that I don't like about Fridays is that I only get to see my Sammie for a little while. I had some errands to run after work (got my goofy, messed up tire fixed -- it was a nail), then I was home sweet home. I haven't really done much since I got home though. I almost feel bad about it -- Almost. I have a BIG day tomorrow, so I will be going to bed here pretty soon. My five year class reunion is tomorrow evening -- We are having a cook out at Bogg's. But I'm also getting my hair trimmed and getting manicures/pedicures with Sammie. I might even win $1000 tomorrow! I am entered into the grand prize drawing for the Pay My Bills contest for the WAMW radio station. I don't know what I would do if I won! How awesome would that be? I'll know by 12:00 tomorrow -- Keep your fingers crossed for me. Yup, its going to be a busy day, so I think I'll head to bed now. It's getting late, and I know I need the sleep. I have been having dreams a lot lately, so I haven't been getting restful sleep. Most of them have Dwain in them; don't think I worry about him do you? I sure do miss him. I love it that time is going so fast! Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll talk to you all tomorrow! Good night. :^)
Operation Saheeb -- One Month, Three Weeks, Two Days
Chuck is already OUT! I think I'm jealous.
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