Friday, May 20, 2011

Care Package Item List

Top Items:  magazines (outdoor, fitness, sports, auto, etc.) beef jerky, power bars, protein bars, granola bars, and monetary donations to go toward shipping costs (donations can be made with a credit card by clicking the "DONATE" button on the blog home page).
Other Items:  throat lozenges, gum, lifesavers, mints, Chapstick, Carmex, Blistex, pain relievers, boot liners, insoles, foot powder, baby powder, single use cameras, coffee, hot cocoa mix, tea, pre-sweetened drink mixes, nuts, sunflower seeds, puzzle books, joke books, Frisbee, Nerf football, deck of cards, hand-held games, vitamin C, Emergen-C, trail mix, dried fruit, cookies, non-melting candy, tuna (in a pop-top can), canned chips (Pringles).
These items are the most requested by troops deployed to Afghanistan, but a care package is only limited by creativity.  Shipping takes about 7 days, so items must be non-perishable.

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