Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Can't Turn That Down!

Today was a great day! It started out like any other morning, but when I got to the office and checked my email -- I HAD AN EMAIL FROM DWAIN! So awesome! He is doing really great. He loves the care packages he has gotten, and he is really looking forward to the ones that are on their way. He will be around a computer for the next month or so, which means that emailing him is probably the best way to reach him. His email is jolliff55@gmail.com if anyone is interested in sending him a few words.

I was really busy -- and productive -- at the office this morning. The phone was ringing off the hook, and I got a lot of jobs done. Mary Sue and I repotted the new ferns, and I got another Care Package sent out to Dwain. This makes five that I have sent him so far. On my lunch break, I took my package to the post office, then headed to the Jay-C store to pick up some things. I wound up getting about five or six bags of stuff to send to Dwain. So, I will be sending out about three more Care Packages tomorrow. It makes me feel like I am doing my part to help him out as much as possible. I am so very proud of him for doing what he is doing. I feel that it's the least I can do to make sure that he doesn't need anything.

I took this picture at the checkout because the conveyor belt was LOADED with stuff to send to Dwain. The little old lady at the register looked at me funny until I explained that it was for Dwain -- She thought that I was just buying a TON of junk food for myself!

After lunch, we had a quick staff meeting, then I did massages all afternoon. My schedule was filled up again! I love it that I am staying so busy! I sure can't complain! It keeps me busy, helps time fly by, and makes for a nice paycheck! I am so very blessed to be so successful. After work, I had planned on getting Chinese with Sammie, but Jessica invited us over for homemade enchiladas -- And I can't turn that down! They were delicious, and it was really great to catch up with her. I have missed her a lot at the office, and I loved seeing her beautiful face. I stayed at Jessica's until about 9:00, then I headed home for the night. I had to make a quick stop and get some supper for Tim, but I got my goodnight kiss, so that made it worth the trip back into town. Finally, I was home! Dixie was really glad to see me, and I was glad to see my PJ's. I have now landed on the couch, and I don't think I'll be moving again for a while. I am planning on going to bed a little early tonight -- I have a busy day tomorrow. Wednesday's are usually a great day for me, and I can't wait to see what this one has in store. Tim is off tomorrow night, so I am looking forward to spending some time with him. I think that I will sign off for the night. I'm getting tired and I need to unwind a bit or I won't sleep very well. Good night all! Have a great Wednesday!   :^)
Operation Saheeb -- One Month, 6 Days

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