Thursday, May 19, 2011

Care Package Mania

I love my life! I just want you all to know that it is just going great! I can't complain about anything at all. I feel so blessed to be where I am in life.

Wednesday was another great day at the office. I had enough Care Package stuff on the table at work that I HAD to ship out some Care Packages to Dwain to make room for more items. I wound up shipping three more boxes, which brought my grand total up to eight. Mom came into the office late in the morning, so we went out for lunch at Hardee's. We took our lunch to the park to watch the geese and visit. We just don't get enough time together anymore. Then, we ran to Orscheln to pick up a couple things. Mom had to get dogfood (they were out so I picked it up today on my lunch break), and I was just along for the ride. We wound up buying several things while we were there though. I found the COOLEST windchime-thing with a hand carved wooden Bass and some driftwood hanging from it. I bought it to give to Tim for Father's Day from Dixie and Chuck, but when I got home from work he helped me unload my car and found it. Way to ruin the surprise; but I think that he liked it. I will take a picture tomorrow when the sun is shining so that you all can see it too. After lunch, I came back to a full massage schedule. It was a great afternoon. I sure love being busy. Five massages later and I was headed home. Tim and I made a quick trip up to see Mom, then we came home for some supper. Tim worked his magic on the grill, and we had a delicious meal. Finally, we were headed to bed. Ahh, nothing like crawling into a cozy bed after a long day.

Today, I did NOT want to get out of bed. I finally convinced myself that getting out of bed wouldn't be too bad, but it wasn't easy. After getting to work and getting the office lights and such turned on, I took my car to Big-O to get the oil changed and the tires rotated. I hate having to pay someone else to do it, but there just aren't enough hours to get everything done. I also called and lined up an appointment to get my car worked on next week. My power steering pump is puking out on me, and I need to get it taken care of before it tears up something more expensive. I spent the rest of the morning working at the office. I also shipped out two more Care Packages today, which brings me up to ten total! How great is that!? I am so humbled to know that there are so many people supporting him. It really makes me feel great to know that I am doing my part to support our soldier.

On my lunch break, I ran to the Post Office to drop off my Packages (the ladies who work there know me on sight now), then I headed to Oscheln to get Mom's dogfood. We didn't have a staff meeting today, but my massage schedule was booked up again so I had a busy day. After work, I hurried home as quick as I could so that Tim and I could go fishing on the river in his new boat. We had a few issues though once we got out there, and had to call it off. The boat needs a little more work before it's really ready to tackle the river. We came back to the house, and I made spaghetti for supper. Tim has been over at Josh's house with Mom trying to figure out what's killing Josh's chickens -- So I have been blogging while he was gone.
This was the table at work today before I shipped out two more Care Packages!

I am so ready for tomorrow. Thank goodness it's Friday! I get to wear jeans to work. I get to stay in bed an extra hour. And it's the last day of the week! I have been helping Sammie get all Dwain's favorite things at Wal-Mart tonight so that she can send him a Care Package tomorrow. I love that girl! What a great friend! Anyway, Tim and I are watching Waterboy, so I'm going to sign off so that I can enjoy the rest of our evening. Goodnight everyone! Have a great Friday!   :^)
Operation Saheeb -- One Month, One Week, One Day

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