Monday, May 16, 2011

We're Online Again, and Ready to Blog

So, our internet hasn't been working for about a week, and I am so, so far behind on blogging. I don't think I can get you caught up day to day, so I will just do the best that I can. I will apologize now, because I'm sure that there are many things that I am leaving out.

My last post was two weeks ago on Tuesday. The rest of that week went GREAT! My massage schedule was full, so I was busy at work. We had a little bit more rain, but it wasn't too terrible. I can't think of anything super exciting that happened, but it was too long ago to be sure. Ugh, this is going to be a very sucky post. I'm really sorry.

Last weekend, my main plan was to get the yard mowed and kill a turkey. Tim had to work all weekend, so we did a little hunting each morning, but we never had much luck. About the only exciting thing that happened while we were hunting was that we saw a turtle and I got chewed up by nasty sand gnats. They bit me so badly on Sunday and Monday morning that my face swelled up, and I looked like I had acne. It wasn't my best look by any means. Basically, the only other thing I got done last weekend was getting the yard mowed. I had a little help from Grandma Ruth, but it was very overgrown so help was welcome. I should be able to stay on top of it from now on though, provided it doesn't rain on the only days I have time to mow. I really enjoy mowing, so I hope the weather stays nice. I made a Mother's Day supper for my wonderful mother Sunday night, and we watched Burlesque. I love her so much. I really couldn't ask for a better Momma.

I took this on Tuesday morning. You can really see the swelling and redness. I have SOO much make-up on, but it's not covering up much. I got a lot of funny looks that day.

Last week at the office was pretty typical. My massage schedule was booked up again, but I can't complain about that! It's good to be busy, and it pays pretty well too. The rest of the week went pretty quickly. I shipped two care packages to Dwain on Tuesday and one on Thursday. Dr. Bowling agreed to run an office special to collect items to send to Dwain's unit from our patients and also to create business for us too. It's really a great thing, and I feel really good about it. We are already starting to collect a lot of things. I plan on sending out two more packages tomorrow. I have gotten several donations as well to help pay for shipping and buy more items to send him. Thanks so much to the people who have used my "button" to donate with their credit card or Paypal account. I really, really appreciate it!

This weekend was the last weekend we had to get a turkey before season went out for the year. Tim and I made a trip back to Washington after I got home from work on Friday to get a plates and a new registration for his new boat -- Oh, yeah, Tim bought a new John Boat. It's really nice, was a great deal, and I'm really looking forward to spending some time out on the river in it. We got up early Saturday morning and hit the woods to find that Thunder Chicken. They were there, but stayed just out of range. We headed back to the house for a quick shower, then went to watch Tim's brother Josh play baseball at Loogootee. It turned out to be a miserable day, with rain and wind making it cold and blustery. We were there most of the day, then Josh came up to spend the night with us. We woke up again Sunday morning, which was the last day of the season, and headed to finally get that turkey, but the rain and mist had other plans for us. Our turkeys didn't do what we needed them to, so after much deliberation, we called it a bust. I will just have to get my turkey next year. We came back to the house late in the morning, and I made pancakes for breakfast. Tim and I fell asleep on the couch for a couple hours, then I took Josh up to Mom and Dad's house for a tour. It was still rainy and nasty outside, and I didn't see any turkeys anywhere. After I got Tim up from his nap -- Dixie makes a great alarm clock -- he and Josh went out to work on the boat for a little while. Josh left a little before dark and headed back to Warrick county, while Tim and I went up to Mom and Dad's to visit for a while. We came back to the house in time to watch River Monsters, then headed to bed.

Tim's new boat -- There isn't an awning anymore. I think he thought it looked a little bit goofy.

I slept in until about 10:00 this morning, which was really nice, then I got ready to work. I had another full massage schedule today, then I had to hurry home to help the TDS man fix out internet connection. I'm not sure what was wrong with it, but it's fixed now! Thank goodness! I have really missed my internet. We also got an email from Dwain today. He is doing fine. He says "he has been better, but he has also been worse." He is tired because they are working a lot and he is only getting a few hours of sleep a night, but hopefully that will change soon. It's just good to know that everything is going okay with him. I think it is about time for bed now, so I'm going to sign off here, but I promise to never let my blog get away from me like this again. It's too hard to get caught back up, and I hate it that I have forgotten so many things that I could have shared with you all. Good night everyone. I hope you have a great Tuesday!   :^)
Operation Saheeb -- One Month, 5 Days

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