Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chuck, the Mouse Slayer

There is nothing in this world better than curling up on the couch after a long, satisfying day -- Nothing beats it! Tuesdays and Thursdays are my favorite days of the work week. There are no patients in the office in the mornings on those days, which gives me time to work on projects. The over-achiever in me loves projects. Today, my project was to organize the cannula's and get rid of the ones that belong to patients that haven't been in for a while. It turned out to be quite a job and took me most of the morning to get done -- But I honestly enjoyed every minute of it. Sad, but true -- I love having things to work on. I'm very much looking forward to Thursday when I get to start cleaning out the filing cabinets.

At our staff meeting today, we talked about things going on in the office and what needs to be done better. I sure hope everyone listened. In addition to a great morning, I had a solid afternoon as well. My massage schedule was pretty lacking early in the day, but I was able to call some of my patients that hadn't been in for a while and fill in a couple gaps. I wound up with 3 out of 4 possible massages -- Not bad at all. I always try to keep a mental list of people needing to get in, so that when I have a slow day I can call them and fill up the empty spots. It works great for both of us. They get an appointment on short notice, and I have a full schedule.

Sammie and I decided that Mexican sounded REALLY good, so we made a trip to Mi Pueblo after work for Mexican and Strawberry Daiquiri's. God, it was fantastic! We always eat entirely too much food, but it's so delicious, you just can't stop. I have a ton of leftovers for lunch tomorrow. I love, love, love my time with Sammie. She is one of my dearest friends. When we go out, we usually talk for a couple hours -- I couldn't ask for a better friend or co-worker! The worst thing about eating out is always the drive home afterwards -- You just can't get comfortable, and 25 miles is a long way to be that miserable. First thing I did when I got home?? Let Dixie out of her kennel (She is doing so much better in it; much less freaking out when she is left by herself). The second thing?? Put on my favorite sweatpants, which happen to be Tim's -- Ahhhhh, so much better!

Our Drinks! Don't they look yummy! I stole this picture from Sammie, but I don't think she will mind.

Now, I'm sitting on the couch and not planning on moving til bedtime. The only productive thing I did when I got home was clean Chuck's litter box -- I swear I have never met a cat who poops as much as he does. And it never fails -- He always USES the litter box WHILE I'm trying to clean it. It's so irritating!! I have to stop cleaning so he can finish his business; like he couldn't wait 30 seconds for me to be done. UGH! He is by far the strangest cat I have EVER seen. He loves water (we had shower time again this morning, and he went fishing in the bathroom sink while I was brushing my teeth). He beats up on the dog (But, they sleep together -- Now, that's a love / hate relationship). And, he chases his tail. The only real cat-like thing he does is catch mice. Incidentally, he does that very well; there was a headless mouse skeleton in the basement when I was down there earlier. I bet that was a slow, agonizing death. I guess I can stand the weirdness if he keeps the mice out of the house. Dirty little things! I wonder if the mice have a perimeter set up around the house -- Do they tell each other, "Don't go to that house. The devil lives there, and he will torture you then eat you!"? He could be a super-hero -- Chuck, the Mouse Slayer.

I really needed to go to Wal-Mart after work tonight, but I chickened out -- I can do it tomorrow on my lunch break. The thought of ruining such a good day with a trip to Wal-Mart was too much to bear. If I can, I will always put off that job until the next day. It is my LEAST favorite place to go -- Truly an awful chore.

Time for bed I think -- Or at least, time to lay in bed, trying to sleep, while Dixie and Chuck have their own version of a demo derby on our bed. It's ridiculous! Why do they have to be such night owls? Maybe I will read for a little while. That sounds like a very good idea. Don't mind if I do. The book I am reading (Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon) just keeps getting better and better! Tomorrow is going to be another good day!  :^D

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