Monday, January 31, 2011

Cabin Fever

Today turned out to be another "Blah" day. I wound up not going to the office; my massages rescheduled -- But it was kinda nice to spend the day with Tim. We haven't really done much, but it's nice to just be in the house together for a whole day.

I am still pretty congested today, so I am really looking forward to getting to work and having Dr. Pete give me an adjustment. That always makes me feel better. And I have really missed seeing everyone. They are calling for a pretty big snow/ice storm tomorrow -- I'm hoping it misses us cause I really need to get outta this house. I love it here, but I have a wicked case of Cabin Fever! I need to see someone other than Dixie and Chuck -- I need intelligent conversation in my life or I might just blow a fuse.

Tim and I are getting supper ready (as soon as I finish this post). Not sure what we might have, but I bet it's yummy. Our 3 year anniversary is in a couple weeks, and I am giving Tim his gift early. A NEW GRILL! He is the grill master in our house, but the grill we inherited with the house is a piece of junk.  I think it's time he had a decent one. Love that man so much. I can't imagine life without him in it.

We had visitors to our house today. There was a flock of Sandhill Cranes in the field north of our house this afternoon. They were a little far away to see very well, but they were still really fun to watch. I kept going to the window to check them out. If I had felt better, I would have belly crawled out there to try to take some pictures -- But it's still pretty cold out (and muddy), so I passed this time. You will just have to take my word for it that they were there.

Tim is telling me that it's time to get off the computer and get something thrown together for supper. Sounds like a good plan to me. I made that cheesecake I have been thinking about making -- It's the first cheesecake I have ever made myself, so I'm hoping it turned out to be as yummy as I want it to be. I will let you know if it passes the final inspection -- Tim is my official taste tester.

Mother Nature, I would really like to go to work tomorrow. If you could make that possible, I would REALLY appreciate it! Please send the snow and ice somewhere else. I could really do with some sunshine! Thanks!  :^)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

On the Mend

Hooray for feeling better! My fever and the worst of the coughs and aches are gone. I am only a little congested in my sinuses now and coughing every once in a while. My energy is better -- because my appetite came back with a vengeance today, and I ate most of the food in the fridge -- and I even got a couple loads of laundry done! YAY!! My schedule at work tomorrow is pretty slow, so that gives me a little extra time to recover. Just what I needed.

The Blue Collar Comedy Tour is on right now!! Laughing your butt off is the best medicine for when you are feeling icky. I'm set for the night. I am going to watch Seraphim Falls at 8:00 tonight (Never seen it, but it was on our Netflix list, so I'm excited). That gives me time to clean up supper stuff and get a shower -- Then I will not be moving the rest of the night. I am really craving some cheesecake right now, so maybe I will throw one together. I haven't felt good or eaten much in 4 days -- Bought time I got my appetite back.

We talked to Dwain yesterday. We haven't heard from him in several days because he doesn't have good cell phone service -- He has to go a mile and a half up a mountain before he gets service. He evidently borrowed a phone from someone to call us on. He has been really, really busy in California. They are doing lots of training exercises to get ready for Afghanistan (He says he is leaving the first week of April). He is headed back to North Carolina sometime at the end of this month, so we will be talking much more then. Mom, Dad, and I are going to go visit him sometime in March before he deploys -- I'm not sure when, but I am EXCITED! I sure do miss that munchkin! I know, I know, he isn't much of a munchkin anymore, but he will always be the same skinny little blond brother I loved growing up. He is all grown up now -- so am I for that matter -- and I have never been more proud of him. Two more years and he will be home for good! YES! I love you Dwain! Your sister misses you!

Time to wrap it up for the night. Hopefully, tomorrow, I will have something a little more interesting to write about than being sick. I'm looking forward to a hot shower and some cheesecake tonight. I might even read a little bit tonight -- It's been ages! Just didn't feel like reading when I was sick -- But, I'm on the mend now! Lookout world! I'm back!  :^)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blah, blah, blah

I think my cat may be part dog -- He is chasing his tail all over the living room. It's one of his favorite things. He flips and jumps and spins, but he never can seem to catch it! I think he might have a couple of his wires switched around -- Or he might just have a short in his circuits. Someone call an electrician!

Today has been pretty uneventful. I am still nursing the flu, which means that I have not really left the couch at all today except to let Dixie out and to get something to eat. I did get motivated this afternoon and mustered up the energy to take a shower -- This was the best thing I did all day, the hot water felt AWESOME! I bet I was in there almost an hour, but I couldn't make myself get out. Other than that my day has consisted mostly of movies on FX -- Kung Fu Panda, Hellboy II, Ghost Rider, and currently Iron Man (in that order). I have my little nest on the couch made, sweat pants on, a bottle of Gatorade sitting next to me, and Dixie and Chuck to keep me company. I hate being sick, but it does give you time to catch up on rest and relaxation -- Now, if I could only get rid of this congestion and cough.

Dixie is recovering from her surgery very nicely. She was really uncomfortable last night though. She couldn't settle on someplace to land for the night, and her cries just about tore out my heart. She is definitely taking it easy today -- She and Tim slept together for most of the day, he even had his arm thrown over her. I don't know how he manages night shifts. I am positive that it would kill me.

Dixie and Chuck have migrated to the couch (probably for the evening), which is where I will be as well. I sure hope to feel better by tomorrow -- I'm optimistic based on the fact that I feel better today than I did yesterday. Tomorrow, though, I have GOT to tackle some laundry if I want to have any clothes to wear. Blah, blah, blah, I hate laundry. Maybe I will get lucky and it will wash itself -- A girl can dream right!  :^)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Misery Loves Company

I hate to say it, but its been a sorta crappy last two days. Sorry for not posting anything last night, I have been sick the last two days (not feeling any better yet) so last night when I finally got home from work, I went straight to bed -- Like do not pass GO, Do not collect 200 dollars, GO STRAIGHT TO BED. I was exhausted, achy all over, and nursing a fever. Not one of my better days.

We also had a pregnancy scare at our house yesterday, but THANK GOD, it wasn't me (haha, got ya Mom, breathe deep and your heart rate will go back to normal soon). I have been thinking that Dixie was carrying a little extra weight for a few days and it looked like her milk was starting to come in. I denyed it to myself, but thought it was time to do something when Mom told me she thought the same thing yesterday. I couldn't think of when she might have been bred, because we watched her like a hawk when she was in heat last month -- Kind of made me feel like a bad parent. Needless to say, Dixie had an appointment this morning at Dr. Royal's Office to be spayed. She did great, and is home now. She is still groggy and shaky at the moment -- She can't seem to find a comfortable spot to lay, but if I had stitches in my belly, I would be uncomfortable too.

I'm so glad it's the weekend and I can just relax and take it easy on the couch (Dixie will be joining me I'm sure). There is a House marathon on TV right now that sounds like a good idea. I think I might be too tired to even read my book -- How sad is that? I plan on being back to full strength by Monday -- Hope so anyway, I would really like to go to work. But, for now, it's time for Dixie and I to heal together. Misery loves Company!  :^)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fun Dip and Mountain Dew


Work was awesome! I spent all morning working on a new intake form for the office and I think it turned out GREAT! My afternoon was completely booked solid -- 5 Massages! Woo Hoo! That sure helps my paycheck after the snow days from last week. After work, I had to run up to Mom's before heading home (I got her a couple things at Wally World on my lunch break). Tim and I had a quick dinner of spaghetti and a french loaf -- Yummy. He is off the next two days, but that doesn't mean I will be seeing him much. There are still geese to shoot -- and coyotes are always in season. I sure do love my country boy -- And it's a good thing that I have plenty to keep me busy til Turkey Season when I get to join in the fun!

Right now, I'm taking a break from cleaning the house to write my post for the day. My new P!NK CD is cranked up in the CD player and I am LOVING it! There is no better music to listen to when working out or cleaning. I don't think Dixie likes it much though; she keeps barking like someone is at the door. Maybe she is just trying to sing along -- I know I am, but I have to have it turned way up so that I can't hear myself sing (I'm a TERRIBLE singer).

I'm in the mood to clean (which doesn't happen very often), and I need to get back to it before my motivation peters out. I have my favorite P!NK songs (So What, U + Ur Hand) to keep me going strong. I need to vacuum, empty the dishwasher, and tidy up in general. I would still like to do some sort of exercise before I quit for the night. Dixie, Chuck, Let's get back to work -- They are currently more hyper than 4 year old's with Fun Dip and Mountain Dew. Dixie keeps bringing me her pink toy to play with; Chuck has a ball that lights up when it moves. They are not spoiled at all, right?

I would like to share a link to my friend Samantha's Photo Project. She is a GREAT photographer! I wish I could take pictures like she can! So inspiring! The idea is to take one photo a day for a year. I can't wait to see what else you come up with. Love you Sammie dear!

Sammie's 365 Project

Back to cleaning now (I love this CD!). Tomorrow is going to be a great day too! I am so blessed to have such an incredible life filled with so many amazing people. I love all of you! You mean so much to me!   :^)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fern Haircuts and Mexican with Great Friends

The State of the Union is on tonight. Reminds me of Jeff Foxworthy. "The President is on EVERY CHANNEL! We wanna watch Flipper!" Oh, such fond memories from my childhood. Good thing I have Direct TV and I can change the channel to something else when the President becomes too much to listen to, which is a very good possibility.

Last night, I read my book for the entire evening instead of cleaning or working out like I had intended to, but Dragonfly in Amber is the second book in the Outlander series and its shaping up to be just as great as the first one. I had to force myself to stop reading just so I would get enough sleep to function at work today (I barely had enough as it was, and I'm probably not going to get any more tonight).

Today was spectacular! The office was mine to command this morning. Tuesday and Thursday mornings are my time to get caught up on the things that need done in the office. There are no patients in the office (only me, with Dr. Bowling popping in occasionally), so I have time to be productive. This morning was Haircut Day for the office ferns. They needed it pretty badly, and it took me almost an hour to get them cleaned up (they are shedding excessively because we slightly over-watered them and their leaves are falling off in places -- Not good). We had a good staff meeting after lunch; very important things about the inner-workings of the office are discussed in these top secret meetings. If I told you what we talked about -- I'd have to kill you lol. My afternoon was divided evenly between massages and office duties. All in all, a solid day at work.

The best part of my day started after the workday had wrapped up. It was Mi Pueblo night with Sammie and Jessica. We had to wait a bit for Jessica (she was running late -- as is her habit, but we love her for her tardiness as well), so Sammie and I started early on our chips and margarita's. One quesadilla jalisco and an hour and a half later, it was time to head home. The three of us had a great, great evening -- Talking about life, our boys, and the total chaos that is our office. I love my girls dearly and I don't know what I would do without them. Who knew that my co-workers would turn into my best friends?

Now, finally, I am sitting on the couch in my wonderful, soft bathrobe. The President is still rambling about nothing worth listening too. Dixie and Chuck are rough housing in the middle of the living room (He is chasing her tail; she is chasing him). I am content -- my belly is full of good food and my night has been filled with dear friends -- My life is incredible.

To end my post for the night, I would like to share two pictures.  

 My little Chuckster cat curled up on my lap. His favorite place, by far. This is too cute not to share.

Dwain -- He sent this picture to us today. I haven't talked to him in a while, because he struggles to get signal where he is at in California (think of a mile hike up a mountain to be his own phone antennae).


I don't know when I started calling my brother Saheeb, but it's my pet-name for him and probably always will be. I am so proud of him for what he has done and what he will do. I pray that the Good Lord keeps him safe at all times. Your big sister loves you Dwain! I think about you everyday and I miss you more all the time. Hurry home please!   :^)

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Best Things in Life

This weekend was a great one! I didn't get any blogging done, but I had a very fun, relaxing weekend. Just what I needed!

Friday, I didn't go to work (Thank You Mother Nature), but Mom and I spent all afternoon running errands. I sure do love spending time with her. We don't get to visit near as much as we used to, so it's really nice when we do get to spend some time just being girls. We went to Odon then Washington then Vincennes then headed back home with a pit stop in Freelandville (Needed to pick up some Goat Milk Replacer for the hungry babies). It was great to spend the day just catching up with one of my best friends.

Friday night, Tim and I headed South to Warrick County. I crashed out almost immediately after getting there, but Tim went coyote hunting with one of his friends. It's a lot of fun to go, but it was just too dang cold that night for me. I'm a weeny when it comes to the cold.

Sleeping in on Saturday mornings is one of the best things in life. Everyone should be able to do it -- the world would be a better place. After lunch, I caught up on some reading then took a little nap. Naps are also pretty high up on the "Best Things in Life" list. Tim headed out again Saturday night to get ready for some duck hunting Sunday morning (which was the last day of duck season). They had decoys to get set, ice to break up (How fun does that sound?), and other stuff to get ready for Sunday. Dixie didn't get to go with them this time on account of the ice. It would be a bad deal if she fell through trying to retrieve a duck, so Miss Whiny Butt and I stayed home and watched The Sorcerer's Apprentice. I do love Nicholas Cage -- He gets in touch with his nerdy, inner child in this movie. Who doesn't enjoy pretending to be a powerful sorcerer that saves the world from the evil dark forces?

Sunday, the laziest of all days -- But my favorite day of the week. Slept in again and caught up on some reading. A Law and Order: SVU marathon kept me occupied for most of the day. One of the best shows on television. Finally LATE last night (Tim did some more coyote hunting last night before we left) we were homeward bound at last. There was a little bit of fresh snow on the ground, but not enough to make driving difficult. Tim and I talked the whole way home to keep from getting sleepy -- I think we only met two other cars the whole way home. Chuck might have possibly had a coronary when we walked in the door -- He MISSED us, like "OH MY GOD you left me here for TWO WHOLE DAYS by MYSELF" missed us! He was really excited to see us. Poor little guy. I always imagine him hiding behind the couch for hours while we are gone, waiting on someone to walk by so he can pounce on them.

Now, it's Monday and it's back to work at 2:00. I need to head through the shower soon, but it has been nice to sleep in again and take it easy this morning. I have a fairly full schedule this afternoon so that should keep me busy at the office. It will be nice to see Jessica and Sammie and everyone that I have missed over the long weekend (Again, Thank You Mother Nature). I'm pretty excited to wear one of my new polo shirts to work today -- I feel like today is a day for Hot Pink! Yes, I know, I'm a dork!   :^)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


The story of the day?? It SNOWED!

I love Winter! The snow is so beautiful and it's so peaceful in the Winter -- But I sure do hate having to get out in it. I would much rather stay inside and enjoy the view. It took me almost an hour to get to work this morning. The roads weren't terrible, but I got behind someone in a van who thought we needed to be running 15 mph the whole way to Washington. After finally getting to work, I spent about 45 minutes shoveling snow off the sidewalk and sprinkling salt. Dr. Bowling owns entirely too much of Main Street when it comes to snow removal. But it was no match for this farm girl! I have shoveled my fair share of... poo... and a little snow is nothing compared to cleaning out the barn. After I was done, I was feeling really good about my accomplishment until I checked the answering machine to find a message from Dr. Bowling telling me that he had called someone to come remove the snow -- Oh well, I just saved him a few bucks. I still feel good about myself! Take THAT snow!

Our schedule wound up falling apart completely today and we closed the office. It is very counter-productive for people to get out in the bad weather for their chiropractic appointments and get hurt somehow. Better to just stay in. After buttoning up the office and calling the radio stations to let them know we were closing for the day, I headed for home. The roads were decent in town and great once I got out of town -- up to Plainville . I guess the county doesn't think the people who live north of Plainville count. It looked exactly the same as it did when I went to work at 8:00! The road we live on had been cleaned off pretty well, but the driveway was filled in and I had to bust new tracks (VERY FUN!) to get to the house. It felt great to be home finally! AND -- I get a Snow Day tomorrow! HECK YEAH! Four Day Weekend! Nothing better!

I started off my weekend with a nap. Then cleaned off our sidewalk and played in the snow with Dixie. I got some really good pictures of her! I took a couple videos, but they didn't turn out the best -- It's hard to hold the camera with big, thick gloves on, throw a tennis ball, and keep it focused on the dog all at once.
Slobber-cicles -- YUM!

I love this picture even though it's a little blurry -- One of my favorite faces in this world 

She just about knocks me over, but thankfully, she went around me -- though that would have made an awesome video!

Chuck is hiding in the bushes, but Dixie decides to flush him out -- He hates the snow, can't stand to stay in the house. Poor guy has cabin fever and it's not even February yet.

BOUNCING Dixie! Please give me the ball, Mom, please, oh please, oh please!

I do believe that now it's time to get something ready for supper and relax the rest of the evening. A new Netflix movie came in the mail, I have some laundry to fold (not relaxing), and I would like to get some sewing done. Looking forward to taking it easy the rest of the evening. Tomorrow is bound to be a great day! How can it not??  :^) 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dixie, Get the Cat!

My day is complete! And what a GREAT day it was!

Typical Wednesday at the office. I worked the front desk in the morning and got to interact with some of my favorite people. Over my lunch break, I had to run a couple errands (Dog food is an essential -- Just ask Dixie, who graduated from Puppy Chow to Large Breed Adult Food today. My little girl is officially all grown up). My afternoon was supposed to be filled with massages, but a couple cancellations and a no show meant that I was working on Care to Share cards for a couple hours (It's a promotional thing we do twice a year. Do you know how long it takes to put address labels on 3000 postcards? -- And we do three sets!)

I did get to see Henry today though, and that is always a highlight of my day! Henry is a very special client. Like Dwain, he is a Marine, and he fought in Vietnam. When Dwain was home over Christmas, Henry brought me his Marine Corps emblem pin that he had worn while fighting in Vietnam to give to Dwain. He said that it had kept him safe in Vietnam and he wanted Dwain to have it to keep him safe in Afghanistan. Never have I been so humbled. Needless to say, Henry got a very tearful hug and a special place in my heart. I will never forget his gift. Today, we had a very interesting conversation about the family of squirrels that are eating all his birdseed, and about how much his little dog HATES them. He evidently thinks it is great fun to pit a Shitzu against a bunch of hungry squirrels, but I guess if you are retired and your wife is not, you have to have some way to occupy your days. This is exactly why Henry is one of my favorite clients!

After work, it was time for Chinese food with my bestest friend Sammie. Just what I needed after a long day! There is nothing in this world better than eating as much Sesame Chicken and Crab Rangoon as we can while contemplating the finer points in life. I dearly love spending time with my Sammie, and I am already looking forward to the next outing! I'm thinking we need some Mi Pueblo next -- I feel like a Margarita is in order!

I had originally planned on going to Wally World after work, but decided that the idea was too traumatic to consider. This just means that I will have to go tomorrow, but that sounded a lot more appealing at that moment. Instead, I made a trip to Mom's to deliver dog food and pick up some laundry that I had left there (the Doof cat -- which is the only cat Dad has ever named -- decided that my clothes, which were still in the dryer, were a good thing to sleep on. Mom closed the door and started the dryer for a few seconds. She only made a half turn or so, but I have NEVER seen a cat move that fast!)

The ending to my perfect day was completed when I found a package from Old Navy waiting for me in the mailbox. I wear khakis and a polo to work every day (it's extremely comfortable, but still looks professional -- Ideal for a Massage Therapist), and I have developed a bit of a "polo addiction". Today, I added 4 more polos to my collection -- Papaya, Hot Pink, Bright Green, and Dark Charcoal. This brings me up to more than 10 polos. I now have all the available colors in my size from Old Navy except White, which would not stand a chance of staying clean and would be a waste of money. I love my polos and cannot wait to wear my new ones to work! Like I said, it's an addiction, but I love color and it makes me happy to add variety to the color spectrum of my work uniforms (AND I get to take the deduction off my taxes -- hehehe). It's just one of the reasons that I love going to work everyday!

Now, it's getting late and my body is telling me that I need to get some shut-eye. I think that I will listen to that advice. Time for a few minutes of reading, then bed and hopefully a good night's sleep (aided by my trusty Melatonin) in preparation for a snowy day tomorrow. The weather man is predicting 3 to 6 inches by tomorrow night. I would hate to be a weather man -- If you are right about the weather, people call you lucky. If you get it wrong, they hate you. That doesn't sound like a very rewarding job.   :^)

Note to self: Do not tell Dixie to "Get the Cat" -- Poor little guy didn't know what hit him. Evidently, "Get the Cat" means chase the cat through the house and pounce on him when you catch him. SQUASH! Talk about getting run over by a truck! I think he may be laying low for a while.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rain is a Good Thing

I think it should be illegal to work on rainy days. I love my job, but it was REALLY hard to get outta bed this morning. Rainy days are meant for curling up on the couch.

Besides the rain, I had a great day at work today. I bullied Samantha into coming in for a massage right before lunch, then we went out for sandwiches at Subway. The rest of the day was pretty typical. Only two massages meant that my day was busy at the front desk. I enjoy a challenge, and let me tell ya, the front desk is definitely challenging.

Tim and Dixie are currently playing tug of war through the middle of the living room. Not sure who is winning, but it's very entertaining. Now, it's time for supper (Hamburgers, I think), then I'll be ready to curl up on the couch before bed. I have a FULL schedule tomorrow and Chinese with Sammie to look forward to! Can't wait!!!  :^)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Waldo -- Injured in the Line of Duty

Today, I solved the mystery of the death of our mailbox -- It was me, and I am the world's most un-observant driver. Evidently, you can back up and hit something and not even realize it -- Who Knew?!? As I was leaving work this evening, I walked around the back of my car and noticed that my brake light was busted out and that there is a pretty good dent in the corner of the quarter panel on the left side. I must have bumped the mailbox last week without realizing it. In my defense, the road was icy and I am TERRIBLE at backing up (obviously). So not only do I feel stupid, but in addition to fixing the mailbox, I now have to get some body work done to Waldo (My car's name is Waldo -- Don't ask, it just fits). I suppose my car could have been hit by someone or something else, but it's not very likely (the brake lights and the dent is mailbox height). Tim, who is sleeping at the moment, will probably laugh at me for WEEKS, but I sorta deserve it. This just about sums up the story of my life -- Definitely, not boring!

I had a full schedule at work today, and even found time to work on Sammie a little before heading home -- She really needed it. Now that I'm home, I need to get something figured out for supper. We may just be eating leftovers, because the fridge needs cleaned out a bit -- The idea of not cooking is also extremely appealing.

Mom had goat kids coming left and right today. I took some pictures last night while I was up there, but didn't have my camera to upload them -- It went to work with Tim instead. I'm sure that there will be more pictures in the future, but here are the most recent ones I have to offer.

We put them in little pens to allow the mothers to familiarize themselves with their babies and to keep the babies warmer in the barn. They each have their own little pen, which is called a "jug", and their own heat lamp. We have LOTS of little pens. They usually leave the jugs after 2 or 3 days.

These are the three buck kids that were orphaned when we lost Clementine. All three weighed over 10 pounds! Normal baby size is about 6 or 7 pounds. These three boys are destined to become completely spoiled rotten because they will have to be raised on a bottle. They are just a little over a day old in this picture.

These are Annie's babies. They are about one day old. You can already see that baby goats are extremely BOUNCY. Wait til they are about two weeks old -- No one is safe! They are like furry little ping-pong balls. 

I think that I will wrap this one up for the night. I'm starving and if I don't wake Tim up soon he will be up all night. Goodnight!! Ready for a great day tomorrow!   :^)

A Romantic at Heart

Going to attempt a short and sweet post tonight -- It's late and I'm getting tired, but sometimes the rambling can get excessive. I'll attempt to keep it to a minimum.

Unfortunately, I did not list a single thing on eBay, which was one of my goals for the day, but I did get almost all the laundry done and I made an extra $200 this weekend by doing some massages today -- Pretty good weekend if you ask me! The family I worked on today is wonderful and I can usually count on them to set up some massages every couple months. Today, I was even sent home with two pepperoni pizzas they had leftover from stuff at their "office." JACKPOT! Nothing in the world beats cold pizza for breakfast.

In addition to puttering around the house doing laundry and dishes, I finished my book today. I can honestly say that I have never read a book quite this inspiring. The love story of Jamie and Claire in Outlander is so powerful and so pure; it really makes you better understand what true, honest love really is. I never thought I could get so completely involved in a book. Reading Outlander has made me appreciate the love I share with Tim in a whole different light. Love is about accepting a person's flaws as well as their strengths. Tim is by no means an angel (I have contemplated serious bodily injury on multiple occasions), but the love that we share is something special. I love Tim for Tim. I love his goofiness and sense of humor, his pride in a job well done, and his total and complete obsession with hunting, among other things -- But I also love the flaws in the man. No one is perfect. The perfect man would be extremely boring to be around. I don't know what I would do if Tim always picked up his clothes or put away the dishes. We would have nothing to tease each other about if neither of us made mistakes (Think Tim's birthday, hidden fishing reel, scavenger hunt -- and preheating the oven without looking inside). Our flaws give us character; they make us who we are. To truly love someone, you must love ALL of them. You cannot ask a person to change who they are. That's not fair to them or to you. I would never in a million years ask Tim to change who he really is. I fell in love with a backwoods country boy with his fair share of flaws, but his love for me trumps everything else. Tim makes me feel protected, beautiful, hot, cold, lighter than air, and a million other things all at once, and THAT feeling is worth more than all the money in the world. I can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of our lives.

Well, that last paragraph satisfies the hopeless romantic in me. I am excited to read the other two books in Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. After finishing the first book this morning, I decided to wait to start the next one tomorrow, so that I could at least get SOMETHING accomplished today. Mission completed! I would have to say that today has been a very satisfying day. A little extra money in the bank, laundry almost finished, and to cap off my Sunday -- THE PATRIOTS LOST!! Woo Hoo! (I'm a Colts fan through and through, but I will always root for whoever is playing against New England. Way to go, Jets!) It's back to work tomorrow afternoon, but Tim is not working tomorrow night, so I can truthfully say that I'm not dreading Monday. Looking forward to seeing Samantha and Jessica actually, as well as Mary Sue. We have really missed her at the office. NOT looking forward to the amount of filing we will have to do now that she is back though lol. I think it's time to say good night again (so much for a short post lol). Oh well, I love writing, what can I say?   :^)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh My Darling, Clementine

Today was the perfect lazy day -- Exactly as I imagined it!

Unfortunately, I did NOT make it to bed early enough last night (My book is beyond FANTASTIC! Anyone who enjoys an inspiring, epic love story should definitely read Outlander.) and Tim did not get his French Toast and Eggs for breakfast. I will try again tomorrow, hopefully with better results. I have been really craving that French Toast!

I spent most of the morning laying on the couch -- reading, go figure lol -- and even took a short nap around noon. Finally, I decided it would be a good idea to MOVE so I took a shower (with Chuck, the Catfish, in his usual spot at my feet) and got dressed in something other than my bathrobe (just sweatpants though, not much of an upgrade). I attempted to tackle those household chores I needed to get done; I was about 50% successful. I did the dishes and folded some clothes, but I still need to wash our laundry and vacuum a bit. Oh well, it just gives me something to do tomorrow.

I surprised myself today by tackling and organizing my box of receipts from 2010 in preparation for everyone's favorite time of year, TAX TIME!! EWW! But I think I have it all ready to file, which is an enormous relief. That job took about 4 hours to accomplish -- I had a shoe box completely full of receipts and such, and I wear a size 12, so that's a pretty big box.

So, to finish off the rest of my fairly uneventful day, I plan on being super ambitious -- Nah, I'm totally lying. I'm probably just going to be a lazy butt some more (hmm, I would really love to finish my book). I don't really feel guilty about spending time indoors this time of year. It's just too cold outside and the blankets on the couch are so warm and cozy.

Chuck agrees that the blankets are warm and cozy -- Kinda makes you wish you were a cat, huh?

Tomorrow is a new day with new plans and new adventures. I am doing some out-of-office massages tomorrow, but most of my day will probably be spent listing things on eBay. Nothing like making a little money on the side. THAT is a good Sunday if you ask me!

(Totally off topic: Johnny Depp is a really great actor (one of my favorites) and makes a perfect Willie Wonka, but he is so stinking WEIRD! They must be having a Johnny Depp marathon on ABC Family; I just finished watching Pirates of the Caribbean and I'm betting another Johnny Depp movie is coming on next, but I don't know where Tim left the remote, so I can't check.)

I do believe that my blogging project is going exceptionally well, better than I expected anyway. I really enjoy writing and sharing my life. I was concerned that there wouldn't really be enough to write about, but that doesn't seem to be a problem. Weekends will probably always be a bit slower, but that's what weekends are for -- going slow. I will do my best to keep up with my daily posts. Much love to all my special people, especially to my dear Momma. She lost a very special girl today. Clementine was one of our best goats. Beautiful, strong, and so sweet. Her lovely orange face will be missed very much. I love you Momma!   :^)

Friday, January 14, 2011

TGIF, Eh Buddy?

I think that Friday is my favorite day of the work week -- Not only because it is the last one of the week, though that helps -- I love Fridays because: It is Jean Day at the office and who doesn't love wearing jeans to work, I only do massages in the morning on Fridays and I am usually home by 3:00 at the latest, Friday is the day that I go to St. Vincent de Paul (I dearly love that place and their super low prices), and Friday is the day before Saturday, which means that the weekend is HERE!

Now, don't get me wrong, doing 5 hours of massage, back to back, in one day is pretty dang tiring -- But I dearly, dearly love my profession, and I look forward to seeing my people (this is what I call my clients; they are "my people") each and every day. Today, like most days, was one of those days that just makes me love being a massage therapist!

One of my favorite people from work is a man named Carmin. Carmin is your typical, gruff, grouchy old man. He is 78-ish years old, served in the Korean War, is annoyed by (but loves) his family, and just generally expresses how he feels without a care to who he might offend. Carmin was one of my first patients when I started working for Dr. Bowling almost 2 years ago. He doesn't like chiropractors, but had seen Dr. Bowling's ad in the newspaper and thought that a massage might help his back pain. He has become the definition of a "regular" coming in the same day every week at the same time. Carmin and I have some great conversations about everything from politics to his hatred and constant war with the neighbor lady's cats to the fact that he hates being diabetic because he loves eating sweets. You just can't help but love him and his grouchiness! Seeing Carmin every Friday is one of the highlights of my week.

(Ok, back to writing again. The Super Mutt needed a potty/tennis ball break, which inevitably turned into Mommy chasing Dixie all over the yard for 20 minutes trying to get the tennis ball back so that I could throw it in another snow drift. Great, great fun! Oh, how I love my puppy!)

After leaving work this afternoon (Thank you Dr. Pete for the adjustment; I really needed it), I made my planned trip to St. Vinnie's to get sweatshirts for Mom's "Coats for Kids" project. I found several that were pretty god awful, but they will make great coats and they only cost me $1.00 apiece! Can't argue with that price, huh? I also picked up several things to sell on eBay. This is a little side business of mine. Mostly, I sell new or nearly new brand name clothes and books on eBay that I find at St. Vinnie's to make a little extra money on the side. It's not extremely profitable, but it gives me something to do on the weekends that Tim works and I find it fun in a reverse "retail therapy" sort of way.

Finally, I was homeward bound -- Ready for a relaxing weekend! My only goals for this weekend are to do the bare essentials as far as cleaning and housework, maybe get some sewing done, and spend a lot of time reading on my Kindle (I'm reading a book called Outlander by Diana Gabaldon -- It's a historical romance set in 18th century Scotland, 900-ish pages long, and impossible to put down; I may read all night!) Other than that, I have no big plans, but who knows what kind of shenanigans I may get into.

Right now? -- A Criminal Minds marathon has captivated my attention (Reed is my favorite nerd). I really need to unload the dishwasher, but the walk into the kitchen just looks entirely too daunting. I think it can wait until tomorrow. I feel like relaxing after a satisfying day. My plan is to have French Toast and eggs ready bright and early for Tim's breakfast when he gets home from work in the morning. Wish me luck! It's pretty unnatural to get up that early on a Saturday morning and my brain and body tend to rebel against my plans.

Dixie and Chuck are in their usual "evening" spots. Dixie is curled up on the floor with her head on my feet; Chuck is laying on the stack of extra blankets we keep in our chilly living room (I think of The Princess and the Pea, but it's his favorite spot, so obviously he is smarter than I give him credit for -- Nah, he is just being lazy). My plan for the rest of the evening is to do nothing more productive than tackle that book -- Better get started on it! Night!  :^D

My final thought before ending this post -- I LOVE YOU SAHEEB! Your sister misses you!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"You're Probably Not as Dippy as She is Though"

Went to Wal-Mart today after work to pick up some things. THIRD visit this week! As I was checking out, the man standing behind me told me that I looked almost identical to another girl he knows. This really surprised me because I do not look like your average girl lol. We were talking about the fact that you can travel 5 hours from home and meet someone who looks SOO familiar (this guy works at the Duke Energy plant at Edwardsport.) As I was putting the last of the grocery bags in my cart, he told me "You're probably not as dippy as she is though" -- And then I proceeded to drop the bag in my hand on the floor, scattering soup cans and such all over the floor. Talk about irony!! I had been just about to tell him that I may not be graceful, but I can at least walk and chew gum at the same time -- I decided that he might think I was full of it if I finished my thought, so I just laughed my head off. Poor man probably thought I was crazy, but I gave him a business card after we talked about the fact that we do a lot of business with Duke Energy people at the office. So, I guess that's making the most out of any situation, huh? Best trip to Wal-Mart this week!

Made a trip to Mom's to deliver some supplies before heading back to our house. She has gotten two more goat kids today -- Cute as can be!

I decided that chili sounded good for supper (It was very delicious), but while I was digging through the deep freeze on the porch I was dive-bombed by a tweety bird. Tim dispatched it (while wearing Carhartt's and flip flops) with his trusty Red Ryder BB Gun. Chuck thought he was a big bad kitty and batted the poor, dead thing ALL OVER the porch. I kinda felt sorry for it.

Now, it's time for bed again! So glad that tomorrow is Friday, its going to be a great day (ITS JEAN DAY) at work and I should be home after lunch. The best part about Friday's is that I only work a half day  :^)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bounty and Brawny

Well, today was a fairly typical day at our house. Woke up at 6:30 to a whiny dog that REALLY needed to go outside to pee. Only problem with the snow, which Dixie LOVES to play in, is that she HATES peeing in it. Honestly, I don't blame her one bit. That's gotta suck to squat in, but it's really hilarious to watch her try to hike a leg while half squatting and pee at the same time. Cracking up right now just thinking about it lol. Usually, she pees behind the shrubs next to the house because there is no snow there.

This whole, indecisiveness about where to pee takes approximately 30 seconds tops. Then she is ready to come back in. I am a morning shower person, though not really by choice, just habit. My hair, which is naturally curly, typically resembles a lion's mane of sorts if I don't take my shower in the morning. Crazy hair fights a daily battle with the urge to sleep in -- Crazy hair almost always prevails.

Chuck and Dixie both join me in my morning shower. Chuck likes to sit between the shower curtains --- and Dixie likes to use her nose to knock Chuck INTO the shower. I guess he took the hint, because for about the last 3 weeks, Chuck doesn't just sit between the curtains; he sits IN THE SHOWER with me. As long as the water doesn't hit him directly, he is happy to sit and lick the mist off his fur. Naturally, being the loving, caring Mother that I am, it is the highlight of my morning to lean to the side and let the water chase him outta the tub. Brushing my teeth is a whole different disaster, thanks once again, to Chuck. I think he may be part fish -- Like a Catfish! He lays in the sink, but the water going down the drain is too much for him to handle. How dare it escape from him!

Work today was great, as usual! Took a little extra time to get there, but the roads were much better today than they were yesterday. Dr. Bowling and I held down the fort this morning. Our wonderful little old people just don't like getting out in the bad weather. I ran some errands at lunch, then did my massages this afternoon. Four massages puts me on track for a really good week, which is essential for a good paycheck.

After a flying trip to Wal-Mart (Good Lord, I really do hate that place) to get an electric blanket so that Mom can keep her Momma goats warm, I ventured up the hill to Mom and Dad's. Delivered my parcels and talked shop with Dad and Tim for a bit. Then we made our way out to the barn. Having goat kids in January means that you have to fight the cold. Mom's method of choice is to make little coats for the babies out of the sleeves from old sweatshirts. THEY ARE FREAKING ADORABLE!!!!!

This is not a good quality picture, but my phone is water-proof and indestructible, not a digital camera

Its only going to get better the more kids we get!!! There is nothing, I mean NOTHING, cuter than a whole passel of little, bouncy goat kids. Mom is sending me on a mission to St. Vincent's to get more sweatshirts for her babies. Can't have any of them getting too cold.

Tim grilled Butterfly Chops (found them in Mom's freezer labeled "goat") for dinner tonight and they were DELICIOUS!!! What girl doesn't dream of a man who likes to cook? Dixie and Chuck licked my floor clean when Tim spilled the juices on the kitchen floor -- Should have named them Bounty and Brawny I guess. Now supper is finished and the dishes put away, and it's time to enjoy some quiet time before bed! Dixie is in HER spot on the couch (yes, she has a spot), Tim is looking through a hunting catalog (it's getting closer to April -- which means he needs to prepare for turkey season), Chuck is curled up on the plush blanket on the back of the couch (Heaven forbid someone else gets to use it), and I will be joining them shortly in their various states of laziness. There is no better end to a day -- Except maybe if I had mentioned drinking a glass of wine. Thats a great idea if you ask me! I do believe I will be taking myself up on that suggestion.

I need to say "Thank you" to my beautiful Sammie for my wine glasses. They were a perfect Christmas gift! I'm so glad you liked your scarves. I saw them and they HAD to be yours!   :^)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Talk About a Learning Curve...

Well, Here It Is!

The first post of my blog. Never in a million years did I think that I would be the blogging type, but I do love sharing the craziness of my life, so on the advice of my dear friend Sammie (I didn't really need much convincing), I have created a blog.

This was actually a much more difficult thing to do than I imagined, though it was probably made worse by my total OCD-ness. Not only could I not just use one of the handy-dandy templates they provided, I had to go to the "Advanced Settings" and completely bury myself in "blogness." I'm talking colors flying, backgrounds everywhere, can't even decide on a font... stupidity.

So, my purpose in blogging is simply to share the things that happen during my day. These things can be inspiring, uplifting, exciting, HILARIOUS, or just bordering on insanity, but I promise you that they will never be boring. I will try to post something daily, but I'm not making any promises or guarantees. I envision a sort of journal, a basic re-telling of the things that make up my day.

I have to warn you, however, that most of my life revolves around work and managing the home I share with Tim, who I like to call my "House Spouse." Unfortunately, Tim will probably think this blog is a complete waste of time and will not be posting. Have no fear, he WILL be contributing in the form of "subject matter."

WORK BACKGROUND: I am employed at Bowling Chiropractic Center in Washington. Dr. Frank Bowling is one cool boss. My co-workers (Samantha, Jessica, Dr. Pete, Mary Sue, and Randi) are the best in the world. Not only do I get to see them everyday, but I WANT to see them everyday. I can't imagine working anywhere else. I work as a massage therapist and chiropractic assistant, which basically means that I was hired to do massages and it evolved into a Jack of all Trades, I can do just about anything, kind of job. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my job! I am one of the lucky few who looks forward to going to work everyday, well, maybe not everyday. We all need a day off every once in a while.

HOME BACKGROUND: Tim and I live in a small farmhouse totally surrounded on all 4 sides by corn fields (or bean fields; this year it was corn, man was that hot). We have a Black Lab named Dixie who we rescued/adopted last year in January. She is a house/hunting dog who has got both of us wrapped around her little finger... well, I guess that should be paw. She is a whiny, hyper, crazy, lazy, WONDERFUL dog. I can't imagine the house without her. Our other "dependent" is a black and white cat we call Chuck. This name comes from Chuck Norris, because he is a "king fu cat." Chuck, or Chuckers as I call him, is 100%, hands down, the WEIRDEST cat I have ever known, but that is another story. Lets just say that he is... interesting... yeah, that about sums it up. I love my little family. Someday, it will grow, but WE ARE NOT READY FOR THAT YET!!!

Well, I suppose this is the longest post that I will have... I sure hope so. This is going to be hard if I write a book every day. I will attempt to keep the rambling to a minimum

Run-on's and sentence fragments be damned, I will write this blog how I want to. Please don't be offended if my grammar is not proper. It's not a priority lol. I WILL try to have everything spelled correctly because that is a pet peeve of mine (again with the OCD-ness).

So, I guess this is goodnight! I am off to find something edible for supper, preferably something I don't have to cook cause that's way too much effort for just one person (forgot to mention, Tim works nights on a rotating schedule, so predicting life is sorta a lost cause.)

On a side note: Today was a very good day. I will sum it up in as few words as possible just to keep you up to speed -- ready, go! --- Woke up to 4 inches of blowing snow (should have skied to work, it would have been more efficient.) Very productive morning at the Front Desk. Lunch at the office (too cold to sit in my car.) Five massages in the afternoon = Woo Hoo!! Finally done, time to ski back home. Someone killed our mailbox. RIP Small Black Box of the USPS. Created Blog. Da-Da-Dada!! I think that gets everything important -- don't want to burn myself out on the first day.

OK --- GOODNIGHT!!! (Holy smokes, I got carried away today, this is ridiculous lol)