Going to attempt a short and sweet post tonight -- It's late and I'm getting tired, but sometimes the rambling can get excessive. I'll attempt to keep it to a minimum.
Unfortunately, I did not list a single thing on eBay, which was one of my goals for the day, but I did get almost all the laundry done and I made an extra $200 this weekend by doing some massages today -- Pretty good weekend if you ask me! The family I worked on today is wonderful and I can usually count on them to set up some massages every couple months. Today, I was even sent home with two pepperoni pizzas they had leftover from stuff at their "office." JACKPOT! Nothing in the world beats cold pizza for breakfast.
In addition to puttering around the house doing laundry and dishes, I finished my book today. I can honestly say that I have never read a book quite this inspiring. The love story of Jamie and Claire in Outlander is so powerful and so pure; it really makes you better understand what true, honest love really is. I never thought I could get so completely involved in a book. Reading Outlander has made me appreciate the love I share with Tim in a whole different light. Love is about accepting a person's flaws as well as their strengths. Tim is by no means an angel (I have contemplated serious bodily injury on multiple occasions), but the love that we share is something special. I love Tim for Tim. I love his goofiness and sense of humor, his pride in a job well done, and his total and complete obsession with hunting, among other things -- But I also love the flaws in the man. No one is perfect. The perfect man would be extremely boring to be around. I don't know what I would do if Tim always picked up his clothes or put away the dishes. We would have nothing to tease each other about if neither of us made mistakes (Think Tim's birthday, hidden fishing reel, scavenger hunt -- and preheating the oven without looking inside). Our flaws give us character; they make us who we are. To truly love someone, you must love ALL of them. You cannot ask a person to change who they are. That's not fair to them or to you. I would never in a million years ask Tim to change who he really is. I fell in love with a backwoods country boy with his fair share of flaws, but his love for me trumps everything else. Tim makes me feel protected, beautiful, hot, cold, lighter than air, and a million other things all at once, and THAT feeling is worth more than all the money in the world. I can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of our lives.
Well, that last paragraph satisfies the hopeless romantic in me. I am excited to read the other two books in Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. After finishing the first book this morning, I decided to wait to start the next one tomorrow, so that I could at least get SOMETHING accomplished today. Mission completed! I would have to say that today has been a very satisfying day. A little extra money in the bank, laundry almost finished, and to cap off my Sunday -- THE PATRIOTS LOST!! Woo Hoo! (I'm a Colts fan through and through, but I will always root for whoever is playing against New England. Way to go, Jets!) It's back to work tomorrow afternoon, but Tim is not working tomorrow night, so I can truthfully say that I'm not dreading Monday. Looking forward to seeing Samantha and Jessica actually, as well as Mary Sue. We have really missed her at the office. NOT looking forward to the amount of filing we will have to do now that she is back though lol. I think it's time to say good night again (so much for a short post lol). Oh well, I love writing, what can I say? :^)
I Love these. I didn't realize I was so behind on reading them :( See you this afternoon!
PS- My scarves kept me nice and toasty this weekend. Seriously you are the BEST!!