Today turned out to be another "Blah" day. I wound up not going to the office; my massages rescheduled -- But it was kinda nice to spend the day with Tim. We haven't really done much, but it's nice to just be in the house together for a whole day.
I am still pretty congested today, so I am really looking forward to getting to work and having Dr. Pete give me an adjustment. That always makes me feel better. And I have really missed seeing everyone. They are calling for a pretty big snow/ice storm tomorrow -- I'm hoping it misses us cause I really need to get outta this house. I love it here, but I have a wicked case of Cabin Fever! I need to see someone other than Dixie and Chuck -- I need intelligent conversation in my life or I might just blow a fuse.
Tim and I are getting supper ready (as soon as I finish this post). Not sure what we might have, but I bet it's yummy. Our 3 year anniversary is in a couple weeks, and I am giving Tim his gift early. A NEW GRILL! He is the grill master in our house, but the grill we inherited with the house is a piece of junk. I think it's time he had a decent one. Love that man so much. I can't imagine life without him in it.
We had visitors to our house today. There was a flock of Sandhill Cranes in the field north of our house this afternoon. They were a little far away to see very well, but they were still really fun to watch. I kept going to the window to check them out. If I had felt better, I would have belly crawled out there to try to take some pictures -- But it's still pretty cold out (and muddy), so I passed this time. You will just have to take my word for it that they were there.
Tim is telling me that it's time to get off the computer and get something thrown together for supper. Sounds like a good plan to me. I made that cheesecake I have been thinking about making -- It's the first cheesecake I have ever made myself, so I'm hoping it turned out to be as yummy as I want it to be. I will let you know if it passes the final inspection -- Tim is my official taste tester.
Mother Nature, I would really like to go to work tomorrow. If you could make that possible, I would REALLY appreciate it! Please send the snow and ice somewhere else. I could really do with some sunshine! Thanks! :^)
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