Unfortunately, I did NOT make it to bed early enough last night (My book is beyond FANTASTIC! Anyone who enjoys an inspiring, epic love story should definitely read Outlander.) and Tim did not get his French Toast and Eggs for breakfast. I will try again tomorrow, hopefully with better results. I have been really craving that French Toast!
I spent most of the morning laying on the couch -- reading, go figure lol -- and even took a short nap around noon. Finally, I decided it would be a good idea to MOVE so I took a shower (with Chuck, the Catfish, in his usual spot at my feet) and got dressed in something other than my bathrobe (just sweatpants though, not much of an upgrade). I attempted to tackle those household chores I needed to get done; I was about 50% successful. I did the dishes and folded some clothes, but I still need to wash our laundry and vacuum a bit. Oh well, it just gives me something to do tomorrow.
I surprised myself today by tackling and organizing my box of receipts from 2010 in preparation for everyone's favorite time of year, TAX TIME!! EWW! But I think I have it all ready to file, which is an enormous relief. That job took about 4 hours to accomplish -- I had a shoe box completely full of receipts and such, and I wear a size 12, so that's a pretty big box.
So, to finish off the rest of my fairly uneventful day, I plan on being super ambitious -- Nah, I'm totally lying. I'm probably just going to be a lazy butt some more (hmm, I would really love to finish my book). I don't really feel guilty about spending time indoors this time of year. It's just too cold outside and the blankets on the couch are so warm and cozy.
Chuck agrees that the blankets are warm and cozy -- Kinda makes you wish you were a cat, huh?
Tomorrow is a new day with new plans and new adventures. I am doing some out-of-office massages tomorrow, but most of my day will probably be spent listing things on eBay. Nothing like making a little money on the side. THAT is a good Sunday if you ask me!
(Totally off topic: Johnny Depp is a really great actor (one of my favorites) and makes a perfect Willie Wonka, but he is so stinking WEIRD! They must be having a Johnny Depp marathon on ABC Family; I just finished watching Pirates of the Caribbean and I'm betting another Johnny Depp movie is coming on next, but I don't know where Tim left the remote, so I can't check.)
I do believe that my blogging project is going exceptionally well, better than I expected anyway. I really enjoy writing and sharing my life. I was concerned that there wouldn't really be enough to write about, but that doesn't seem to be a problem. Weekends will probably always be a bit slower, but that's what weekends are for -- going slow. I will do my best to keep up with my daily posts. Much love to all my special people, especially to my dear Momma. She lost a very special girl today. Clementine was one of our best goats. Beautiful, strong, and so sweet. Her lovely orange face will be missed very much. I love you Momma! :^)
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