Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bounty and Brawny

Well, today was a fairly typical day at our house. Woke up at 6:30 to a whiny dog that REALLY needed to go outside to pee. Only problem with the snow, which Dixie LOVES to play in, is that she HATES peeing in it. Honestly, I don't blame her one bit. That's gotta suck to squat in, but it's really hilarious to watch her try to hike a leg while half squatting and pee at the same time. Cracking up right now just thinking about it lol. Usually, she pees behind the shrubs next to the house because there is no snow there.

This whole, indecisiveness about where to pee takes approximately 30 seconds tops. Then she is ready to come back in. I am a morning shower person, though not really by choice, just habit. My hair, which is naturally curly, typically resembles a lion's mane of sorts if I don't take my shower in the morning. Crazy hair fights a daily battle with the urge to sleep in -- Crazy hair almost always prevails.

Chuck and Dixie both join me in my morning shower. Chuck likes to sit between the shower curtains --- and Dixie likes to use her nose to knock Chuck INTO the shower. I guess he took the hint, because for about the last 3 weeks, Chuck doesn't just sit between the curtains; he sits IN THE SHOWER with me. As long as the water doesn't hit him directly, he is happy to sit and lick the mist off his fur. Naturally, being the loving, caring Mother that I am, it is the highlight of my morning to lean to the side and let the water chase him outta the tub. Brushing my teeth is a whole different disaster, thanks once again, to Chuck. I think he may be part fish -- Like a Catfish! He lays in the sink, but the water going down the drain is too much for him to handle. How dare it escape from him!

Work today was great, as usual! Took a little extra time to get there, but the roads were much better today than they were yesterday. Dr. Bowling and I held down the fort this morning. Our wonderful little old people just don't like getting out in the bad weather. I ran some errands at lunch, then did my massages this afternoon. Four massages puts me on track for a really good week, which is essential for a good paycheck.

After a flying trip to Wal-Mart (Good Lord, I really do hate that place) to get an electric blanket so that Mom can keep her Momma goats warm, I ventured up the hill to Mom and Dad's. Delivered my parcels and talked shop with Dad and Tim for a bit. Then we made our way out to the barn. Having goat kids in January means that you have to fight the cold. Mom's method of choice is to make little coats for the babies out of the sleeves from old sweatshirts. THEY ARE FREAKING ADORABLE!!!!!

This is not a good quality picture, but my phone is water-proof and indestructible, not a digital camera

Its only going to get better the more kids we get!!! There is nothing, I mean NOTHING, cuter than a whole passel of little, bouncy goat kids. Mom is sending me on a mission to St. Vincent's to get more sweatshirts for her babies. Can't have any of them getting too cold.

Tim grilled Butterfly Chops (found them in Mom's freezer labeled "goat") for dinner tonight and they were DELICIOUS!!! What girl doesn't dream of a man who likes to cook? Dixie and Chuck licked my floor clean when Tim spilled the juices on the kitchen floor -- Should have named them Bounty and Brawny I guess. Now supper is finished and the dishes put away, and it's time to enjoy some quiet time before bed! Dixie is in HER spot on the couch (yes, she has a spot), Tim is looking through a hunting catalog (it's getting closer to April -- which means he needs to prepare for turkey season), Chuck is curled up on the plush blanket on the back of the couch (Heaven forbid someone else gets to use it), and I will be joining them shortly in their various states of laziness. There is no better end to a day -- Except maybe if I had mentioned drinking a glass of wine. Thats a great idea if you ask me! I do believe I will be taking myself up on that suggestion.

I need to say "Thank you" to my beautiful Sammie for my wine glasses. They were a perfect Christmas gift! I'm so glad you liked your scarves. I saw them and they HAD to be yours!   :^)

1 comment:

  1. lol... the butterfly chops ARE goat! Another reason we raise those cute little boogers--they are mighty tasty!

    Love, Mom
