Work was awesome! I spent all morning working on a new intake form for the office and I think it turned out GREAT! My afternoon was completely booked solid -- 5 Massages! Woo Hoo! That sure helps my paycheck after the snow days from last week. After work, I had to run up to Mom's before heading home (I got her a couple things at Wally World on my lunch break). Tim and I had a quick dinner of spaghetti and a french loaf -- Yummy. He is off the next two days, but that doesn't mean I will be seeing him much. There are still geese to shoot -- and coyotes are always in season. I sure do love my country boy -- And it's a good thing that I have plenty to keep me busy til Turkey Season when I get to join in the fun!
Right now, I'm taking a break from cleaning the house to write my post for the day. My new P!NK CD is cranked up in the CD player and I am LOVING it! There is no better music to listen to when working out or cleaning. I don't think Dixie likes it much though; she keeps barking like someone is at the door. Maybe she is just trying to sing along -- I know I am, but I have to have it turned way up so that I can't hear myself sing (I'm a TERRIBLE singer).
I'm in the mood to clean (which doesn't happen very often), and I need to get back to it before my motivation peters out. I have my favorite P!NK songs (So What, U + Ur Hand) to keep me going strong. I need to vacuum, empty the dishwasher, and tidy up in general. I would still like to do some sort of exercise before I quit for the night. Dixie, Chuck, Let's get back to work -- They are currently more hyper than 4 year old's with Fun Dip and Mountain Dew. Dixie keeps bringing me her pink toy to play with; Chuck has a ball that lights up when it moves. They are not spoiled at all, right?
I would like to share a link to my friend Samantha's Photo Project. She is a GREAT photographer! I wish I could take pictures like she can! So inspiring! The idea is to take one photo a day for a year. I can't wait to see what else you come up with. Love you Sammie dear!
Sammie's 365 Project
Back to cleaning now (I love this CD!). Tomorrow is going to be a great day too! I am so blessed to have such an incredible life filled with so many amazing people. I love all of you! You mean so much to me! :^)
Yes! "So What" is one of my favorite running songs! I should try it out next time I'm cleaning, too.