Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fern Haircuts and Mexican with Great Friends

The State of the Union is on tonight. Reminds me of Jeff Foxworthy. "The President is on EVERY CHANNEL! We wanna watch Flipper!" Oh, such fond memories from my childhood. Good thing I have Direct TV and I can change the channel to something else when the President becomes too much to listen to, which is a very good possibility.

Last night, I read my book for the entire evening instead of cleaning or working out like I had intended to, but Dragonfly in Amber is the second book in the Outlander series and its shaping up to be just as great as the first one. I had to force myself to stop reading just so I would get enough sleep to function at work today (I barely had enough as it was, and I'm probably not going to get any more tonight).

Today was spectacular! The office was mine to command this morning. Tuesday and Thursday mornings are my time to get caught up on the things that need done in the office. There are no patients in the office (only me, with Dr. Bowling popping in occasionally), so I have time to be productive. This morning was Haircut Day for the office ferns. They needed it pretty badly, and it took me almost an hour to get them cleaned up (they are shedding excessively because we slightly over-watered them and their leaves are falling off in places -- Not good). We had a good staff meeting after lunch; very important things about the inner-workings of the office are discussed in these top secret meetings. If I told you what we talked about -- I'd have to kill you lol. My afternoon was divided evenly between massages and office duties. All in all, a solid day at work.

The best part of my day started after the workday had wrapped up. It was Mi Pueblo night with Sammie and Jessica. We had to wait a bit for Jessica (she was running late -- as is her habit, but we love her for her tardiness as well), so Sammie and I started early on our chips and margarita's. One quesadilla jalisco and an hour and a half later, it was time to head home. The three of us had a great, great evening -- Talking about life, our boys, and the total chaos that is our office. I love my girls dearly and I don't know what I would do without them. Who knew that my co-workers would turn into my best friends?

Now, finally, I am sitting on the couch in my wonderful, soft bathrobe. The President is still rambling about nothing worth listening too. Dixie and Chuck are rough housing in the middle of the living room (He is chasing her tail; she is chasing him). I am content -- my belly is full of good food and my night has been filled with dear friends -- My life is incredible.

To end my post for the night, I would like to share two pictures.  

 My little Chuckster cat curled up on my lap. His favorite place, by far. This is too cute not to share.

Dwain -- He sent this picture to us today. I haven't talked to him in a while, because he struggles to get signal where he is at in California (think of a mile hike up a mountain to be his own phone antennae).


I don't know when I started calling my brother Saheeb, but it's my pet-name for him and probably always will be. I am so proud of him for what he has done and what he will do. I pray that the Good Lord keeps him safe at all times. Your big sister loves you Dwain! I think about you everyday and I miss you more all the time. Hurry home please!   :^)

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