Ugh, I'm way behind on blogging again. I've been so busy lately, and by the time I get shut down in the evenings, I'm just ready for bed. I'll try to get you caught up to speed -- It's not going to be easy.
Tuesday afternoon, I was able to fill up the empty spot in my massage schedule and have a full day. It's nice that my people keep me busy. I like being busy. After finally making it home after work, I made lasagna and Texas toast for dinner. While the lasagna was cooking, Grandma and Grandpa came down to finish up some plumbing work in the basement. We got rid of some unnecessary pipes and changed the filter on the whole house filter. You would not believe how much rust was caked into that thing! It was ridiculous! I bet that helps with our water situation quite a bit. I sure hope so anyway.
After dinner, Tim fell asleep on the couch while I watched our shows on the History Channel. He has been working like crazy lately and not getting much sleep at all -- So, when he sleeps, I let him sleep. I went to bed after Top Shot was over, and slept like a champ. The only problem we had was that Dixie was being clingy, and we had to fight her for bed space. Sometimes, our bed just isn't big enough.
Wednesday was a very busy, very good day. I was productive in the morning at the front desk, even though we had patients in and out all morning. After lunch, my day was completely booked with 5 massages. By the time I finished up the last one, I was totally worn out. Five massages in one day is completely do-able, but it sure does wear me out. I have to make sure that I get a good night's sleep or else I risk burning my candle at both ends. Burn out is common among massage therapists, but I still love, love, LOVE my job -- So I think I'm okay.
Wednesday evening, I helped Grandma and Grandpa finish up the plumbing stuff in the basement, then Dixie and I went for a run. The weather has inspired me to exercise more -- Hooray for motivation! I need to try to tone down some of the squishy-ness and get back into shape. Momma stopped by a little later that evening to have a look at my vacuum. It hasn't been working at all, and I was debating buying a new one because I couldn't get it working. I figured that I had a plugged filter or something, but it turns out the whole thing was backed up with dog hair and dirt. No wonder it wasn't sucking up anything. We spent about a half hour getting it unclogged. Now I have clean floors again. Having a Lab means that I have to deal with hair -- Lots and lots of hair. Chuck sheds quite a bit too, but nothing like Dixie does. Her hair (and mine; I shed too) is everywhere. Other than that, I didn't do much the rest of the night and went to bed early after reading for a little while. I wasn't working the next day, but I needed to be up early for a dentist appointment.
Today (Thursday) was my day off from work. I don't take very many days off, but I needed to go to the dentist so I took advantage of a good excuse to play hooky. I had my 6 month cleaning appointment at 9:00 and then I had three fillings replaced and one repaired. I dread going to the dentist, but I love my dentist. He does such a great, great job. He made sure that I was good and numb before he started working on me. The shots are always the worst part anyway, but nothing can ever be as bad as last Spring when I had my wisdom teeth pulled and they gave me 12 shots! I only had three shots today, so that wasn't so bad. My mouth got REALLY numb though; I couldn't even talk because my tongue was useless. The numbness went all the way up my face to my cheekbone. I was still a little numb four hours later! Have you ever tried eating or drinking when your face is numb? It's not a pretty thing.
After my trip to the dentist (It wasn't that bad really), I spent the day piddling around the house. I washed a load of dishes and tidied up the basement a bit, but I also read quite a bit and relaxed. That's what days off are for anyway. The weather was nice, but it was very windy outside today. I opened the windows of the house to let in some of that nice Spring air. I'm so looking forward to the weekend! We are supposed to have great weather for the next several days. About dang time!
I think it's about time for bed. I am working tomorrow morning, then I'm free for the weekend. Tomorrow is Jean Day and Red Friday. I will be wearing red in support of Dwain (and jeans because they are comfortable). I can't wait to see his face again, and I am so proud of him. I will be wearing red every Friday until he comes home for good. Okay, time to round up everyone and hit the hay. It's past time for some shut eye! Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! :^)
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