Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Oh my Good Lord -- I am so behind on blogging. I have been very busy the last few days and haven't really had time to think, much less put those thoughts on paper (or a computer screen). I will do my best to share everything, but Tim is home tonight and supper is on the table, so I won't spend too much time doing it.

Tuesday at the office was great. I was busy in the morning working on paperwork and the filing project, then my afternoon was booked up with massage appointments. A good solid day. After work, I hurried home so that Dixie and I could go for a run. She has totally figured out that she LOVES running, which is good motivation for me to run -- And I need that motivation to help me get back in shape. I'm tired of being "squishy". I found the best thing ever when I got back to the house. I completely missed it when I was getting ready for our run, but when I got back, it definitely made my week! Tim is the sweetest, most romantic boyfriend in the whole wide world. He may not wash dishes or make the bed, but he made up for about a years worth of bad habits with this:

I immediately called him to tell him just how awesome he is, then I called Mom, then I sent it the picture to Facebook so everyone would know how great he is. He even took Dixie outside with a glass of water so that he could make the muddy paw print! I LOVE HIM!!

After gathering up our dirty clothes, I went to Mom's to do our laundry. Chuck decided that he wanted to go too, and just bailed into the car. I had to fish him back out and put him in the house to make sure that he didn't tag along. I really, really do believe that he thinks he is a dog. We watched Top Shot and caught up on things. Mom had stew made for supper, and I got all my laundry done. It was a very, very good day, but by the time I got home the bed was calling my name and I didn't argue. I was asleep by the time my head hit the pillow.

Wednesday is usually my busiest day. Yesterday was way beyond busy! I had a busy, productive morning running the front desk, then came back in the afternoon and did 5 massages. I ran a ton of errands over lunch, so I didn't really stop until I made it home. There was no rest for the wicked, however, because Tim's family was coming up for dinner. Josh needed some sewing done on his baseball pants. We made burgers, mac and cheese, and fries. Josh's pants were easy to fix, but we chatted for quite a while. Once they were headed back south, Tim and I were headed to bed.

Today, I was busier than yesterday -- And that's saying something. I am going to be ready to chill out this weekend. I have lots of things to try to get done, but I'm not making any guarantees. The phone rang like crazy, I was working on all kinds of things in the office, and I spent most of the morning trying to sort out an insurance problem. The weather was crappy (come on, 40 degrees, really?), so I ate my lunch in the office and worked some more. We had one heck of a staff meeting -- lots and lots of stuff to go over -- then I had a full schedule of massages this afternoon. I feel like I haven't stopped since I rolled out of bed this morning. I just made some really awesome enchiladas for supper, and Tim and I are watching Faster. I am going to be so ready for bed. Thank God tomorrow is Friday. It's Jean Day (YES!) and Red Friday, so I will be supporting my beloved brother. My secret project is going well. The due date on it is Wednesday of next week. I'll fill you in on it then. Our water in the house is looking much better -- We now have a filter on the water line. You should have seen the old one -- It was CLOGGED up with iron sediment. I had to take a picture just to document it:

Isn't that ridiculous?? No wonder our water was rusty! 

I took several other pictures of Dixie that day because the lighting was really pretty. I'll share them with you before I say goodnight: 

 I like this one best -- She's not very photogenic, and it looks like she is wearing the watering can as a hat

 She looks sad -- Or thoughtful

 Again with the face -- I love that face!

I decided to throw in a couple other pictures that I had on my camera. I just couldn't resist. Sharing these things is what makes blogging fun.

 The one on the left is Tim's new "Killer B" decoy -- The one on the right is his old one. It took quite a beating last year when his gobbler attacked it, so he upgraded.

This is one of the fish that Tim caught last week. Not too shabby for an early Spring bass.

Now it's time to say good night -- "Good Night!"   :^)

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