Sunday, March 6, 2011

That's What I Love About Sunday

I am almost ashamed to admit that Tim and I didn't do a gosh dang thing yesterday -- Nothing! No laundry, no house cleaning, nothing. We went to the Fish and Carry in the afternoon for a cheeseburger and a tenderloin. We also went to the grocery store, but that is the only time we left the house all day. Tim made popcorn shrimp for dinner, then we laid around some more. It really was a glorious day though! Sometimes, everybody just needs a lazy day to really enjoy life to the fullest. How can it be fun to be insanely busy all the time?

The plan for today is to work around the house a bit. I need to vacuum and do laundry; Tim is going to get some Sterlite tubs to store his hunting clothes. Right now, I'm making BBQ Chicken Wings for lunch and we are watching River Monsters. Dixie keeps bringing Tim toy after toy wanting to play -- She might be just a little bit spoiled. It's too nasty and cold outside to do much out there, so we will probably stay holed up inside where it's nice and warm. Sorry that there isn't much to write about today -- We just weren't that active yesterday.

Today is showing potential to be a great day too, (NASCAR!) -- Sounds like we are going to have a great weekend! Today can be summed up perfectly in the words of Craig Morgan -- That's What I Love About Sunday    :^)

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