Sunday, March 27, 2011

Laziness, and ... Laziness

Wow, not much to write about today. It was a very uneventful Sunday. I didn't even get out of bed until after 11:00, then I had my bowl of cereal and watched part of a Law and Order: SVU marathon. Tim woke up around 3:00, and we were lazy some more. We watched the NASCAR race while I made goulash and cheesy bread for dinner. After Tim left for work, I decided to watch a chick flick. Something that he would never want to watch -- Eat, Pray, Love was my pick, and it was very good! I had to take Dixie outside to play with the tennis ball launcher so that she could burn off some steam. She was driving me crazy with wanting outside every 5 minutes. My plan must have worked, because she is totally sacked out on the couch right now. I have got the dishwasher loaded up and running, I'm in the process of vacuuming the floors (I needed a break, so I am writing now, but I'll finish that when I'm done with this), and I am going to attempt to fold some laundry before I call it quits for the night. I have a busy day tomorrow, but Tim will be home tomorrow night, and we should have a Netflix movie to watch -- Yay! Well, I wasn't kidding when I said I didn't have much to write about. I'm going to sign off for the night. Everyone have a good Monday!   :^)

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